Friday, January 18, 2013

Stomach Flu / Gastric Flu

Diagnose as: Acute gastroenteritis with gastritis

On Wednesday, I was very sick to do any work at office.. Everything was not right I would say.. At first, I thot that maybe because of I had my red flag for these few days.. But I’m totally wrong when the soreness was getting hush and I can’t bear it anymore..

I had ayam goreng with super duper hot sambal belacan and baby kalian goreng with cili padi for my lunchie.. Everything was normal until I felt my stomach is going to burst.. I started to felt dizzy, want to vomit but I can’t.. I could feel that my esophagus was stuck with golf ball..

In the evening, I just laid in the prayer room and took a nap so that I can rested for a while.. But the pain was still not tolerate with me at all.. Sakitnya.. Oh stomach, please be nice to me.. I can’t walk and stand properly as I felt the pain like heartburn..

Later that night, my body temperature was tremendously high and I was shivering even I wore a long tee and covered my full body with thick blanket.. Mr hubs was so kind giving me pain killer as to reduce the pain before taking me to clinic.. But I refused to go because I think that I probably might not get an MC for tomorrow.. Haha.. I have an experience when I went to clinic at nite and asked for an mc and you know what.. The doctor said you can rest for the whole nite after taking all the medicine girl.. Kedekut kan doctor tu.. Huh.. So, I took that experience as a lesson.. haha..

I went to the panel clinic of Mr hubs the next day.. Before seeing the doctor, I still be able to pay a visit the rest room.. haha.. Tak tahan ma.. After that, the number was calling.. As usual the doc will do what they should do.. Asking questions and she offered me for intravenous fluids treatment.. It means that an injection.. Oh my.. I tried to avoid when it comes to jarum suntikan.. sakit la.. But the pain is what I have to avoid now.. Syuh.. syuh.. please go away.. According to doc foe severe case, this treatment is needed and it will be a booster to fast treat the disease.. Felt lil dizzy during the treatment, maybe because the ubat was attacking the virus / bacteria.. ntah la.. To cut short the story, I got MC for that day.. Yaay.. *jump* haha..

Just for sharing with all..
Gastroenteritis or inflammation (-itis) of the gastrointestinal tract that involves both the stomach (gastro) and the small intestine (entero), resulting in some combination of diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain and cramping. It is also called as stomach flu or gastric flu. For mild or moderate cases, this can typically be achieved via oral rehydration solution. Abdominal cramping may also be present. Signs and symptoms usually begin 12–72 hours after contracting the infectious agent. Some viral causes may also be associated with fever, fatigue, headache, and muscle pain. Semua symptom tu ai rase.. Uwa..

As for Gastritis, the chronic causes are infection with bacteria, primarily Helicobacter pylori, chronic bile reflux, and stress; certain autoimmune disorders can cause gastritis as well. The most common symptom is abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are indigestion, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting and pernicious anemia. Some may have a feeling of fullness or burning in the upper abdomen. Memang semua symptom tu ai rasa..

For more info you may read [here] and [here]..

So from now on, akan berjaga-jaga dalam pemakanan seharian.. no more super spicy sambal n make sure to take food regularly.. but in small quantity of course.. kang tak pasal-pasal naik plak berat badan ni... for those yang tak pernah kena, take a good care of yourself.. and always remember prevention is better than cure.. 

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