Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tekanan.. Tension.. Stress..


Pernah tak anda mengalami tekanan yang menghimpit perasaan?? tension yang amat sangat.. stress dan sesak yang menghimpit dada.. sesak nafas la.. pernah tak? pernah tak?? ai pernah.. semalam..

tension psl kerja.. hidup lagi.. traffic jammed lagi.. 

kan best kalo xpayah kerja n duk umah je.. tapi duit masyuk.. 

kan best kalo kite leh buat ape yg kite ske.. xde halangan sape2..

kan best kalo jalan raye xde traffic lite.. so langgor je seme.. huhu.. 

tension.. tension.. tension..

nak tau.. balek keje semalam ai nangis kat umah.. seme disebabkan tension, stress n tekanan.. en husband siap tanye lagi kenapa.. tp ai ckp xde pape.. xpape.. die nak tau gak, so die pun pujuk ai.. ai ape lagi terus la nangis teresak2.. sedey hokey.. tp xboleh nak luah.. nway, thanks dear for your concern..

yang kelakarnye ai nangis sambil diperhatikan oleh en husband and anak ai.. siap leh ketawakan ai lagi.. sgt comel tgk Iman ketawakan ai.. orang tengah tension bleh plak diorg ketawa.. huh.. geram tol.. tp ble tgk diorg ketawa, ai pun ketawa.. haha.. huhu..

menangis adalah terapi yang terbaik untuk hilangkan stress.. percaya x?? percaya la kawan2.. sebabnye lepas je ai menangis, trus ai p dapur n memasak untuk en husband.. bleh x?? siap masak sup tulang hokey.. haha..

untuk info terperinci, leh bace pasal stress managemant kat sini.. sgt2 membantu.. memetik artikel kat situ..

antara strategi pengurusan stress adalah:
1. Elakkan stress yang tak berkaitan - elakkan berjumpa ngan orang yang membuatkan/menambahkan kite stress..

2. Ubah situasi stress - pengurusan masa gak bleh menyebabkan kite stress.. so, start manage masa anda ye..

3. Adapt ngan stressor - kalo xboleh ubah stressor, kite kene ubah diri kite.. pikir yang positive je k..

4. Terima ape yang kite xboleh ubah - maksudnye terima ngan redho n pasrah ye..

5. Amek mase utk hepi, gumbire n relax - contoh paling bagus p shoppink.. hehe.. ble da shoppink, abes duit, stress balik.. hahaha.. xboleh pakai contoh ni ye kawan2..

6. Amalkan cara hidup yang sehat - sentiasa bersenam, makan makanan yg sehat.. xpun diet sehat, kurangkan gula n merokok, dont drink n drive dan yg penting skali cukup tdo hokey.. ai mmg slalu xcukup tdo.. haha..

buat2 tension.. hehe..

- image by googled

Friday, March 11, 2011


Salam semua..

disaat ni, mummy n Iman je kat umah..

daddy ade appoinment ngan client, xbalik lagi..

tengokla gelagat Iman yang mengajak mummy die men baa-baa-chak.. huhu..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Resepi Pai Epal Goreng

Salam semua..

just nak share resepi pai epal goreng dgn uols.. senang je nak wat.. cube la..

2 cawan            Tepung serbaguna
½ cawan           Margarine
1 sudu teh         Garam
½ cawan           Air sejuk
2 biji                Epal besar
1/3 cawan         Gula
½ sudu teh        Serbuk kayu manis
Minyak masak untuk menggoreng
Serbuk gula

Cara penyediaan:

Buang kulit dan teras epal. Potong dadu. Gaul epal yang telah dipotong dengan gula dan serbuk kayu manis di dalam periuk. Panaskan atas api sederhana sehingga epal lembut dan menjadi sos epal yang sangat pekat. Tutup api dan sejukkan pada suhu bilik.

Ayak tepung dan garam. Potong margarine/shortening dan masukkan ke dalam campuran tepung. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil adunan digaul hingga membentuk doh.

Gelek adunan di atas permukaan yang telah ditabur tepung. Terap bulat-bulat anggaran sebesar bulatan berdiameter 4 inci.

Letakkan 1 sudu adunan epal pada bahagian tengah setiap kepingan doh. Lembapkan bahagian tepi sekeliling kepingan doh dengan air. Lipat kepingan doh tersebut dan picit-picit bahagian tepi dengan jari untuk mengelakkan isi terkeluar dan tekan menggunakan hujung garpu untuk kelim.

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Goreng pai sehingga coklat keemasan. Balik-balikkan pai untuk mendapat warna yang sekata dan mengelakkan pai dari hangus.

Tos pai yang telah digoreng atas kertas tisu. Taburkan serbuk gula dan hidangkan panas-panas.

*Sedap juga dimakan bersama aiskrim vanilla.

Psstt: Ai wat pai ni kat opis utk project product application.. huhu..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My EBM Story..

Salam everyone..

Just blogwalking @ Sarakids blog..  and just read about 'Rahsia Stok Susu Banyak'.. I'm very inspired and impressed with Puan Farah as she's got so many EBM stock for her kids.. sooooo jealous hokey.. I used to have that much of EBM stock in my fridge before.. 

the story begins..

2, 3 months before, I really excited to stock up my fridge with my EBM.. hambek kau penuh peti beku aku..  I really hope that my lil doter will have my healthy breast milk everyday.. all of sudden, she was refused to accept my frozen-thaw-heat EBM.. tak sedap ke ek?? at the same time, she was critically having diarrhea.. I've decided to give her formula milk (FM) temporary as I assumed that my EBM was not suitable for her at that moment.. but then she started to like FM instead of my EBM.. huh..

for my child sake, I don't want to give up to FM easily.. everyday I will prepare the EBM for my baby.. sometimes she will happily drink the EBM but most of the time she will not.. grrrr.. so geram.. Currently, Iman is taking cow's milk and mine.. siang susu lembu malam susu ai.. huhu..

now, I'm facing a problem which is I'm lacking with the stock.. I just realized that I don't have much time to pump at the office at all.. or should I say that I have so many works to do until I forgot to pump.. hehe.. 

before this, I will allocate at least 3 times of pumping session per day but now it is reduce to 1 or 2 times/day only.. how sad.. I used to get 8oz per session and total production of the day was 24oz.. but now only 4-5oz per session and total prod was 12-15oz only.. see how dramatically it was reduced.. double up my sadness.. uhuk2..

some tips from Puan Farah to share with all mommies out there.. credits to her..
Percaya pada konsep supply and demand. Semakin banyak kita mengosongkan payudara, semakin banyak susu dihasilkan. Susu tidak akan dihasilkan semula jika tiada permintaan dari bayi. - always remember that mommies..

Displin dalam penyusuan - I think I need to workout with a proper schedule for my pumping session.. works can wait Dayah..

Pengurusan EBM yang betul 
- didn't know that baby's need for EBM is remain unchanged until the age of 6 months..
- after that age, it will be reduced as they start to eat their first solid foods..

Makan makanan penambah susu – ini adalah salah satu alternatif jika ibu mahu menambah susu (provided jika anda menyusu sepenuhnya dan memerah susu mengikut jadual anda). - For this purpose, I took Anmum Lacta for enriching my breast milk.. huhu..

Last but not least,
Doa yang tidak putus. Baca surah Hujurat dan sapukan kedua2 payudara. Surah Al-Baqarah ayat ke 60 juga membantu. Doa, semoga penyusuan kita dipermudahkan.

Hopefully I will breastfeeding my doter until she's 2 years old.. *pray to Allah*..
my collection for the 1st session.. bnyk jugak kann..

Monday, March 7, 2011

Iman di usia 6 bulan..

Anak mummy yg sorang nih...

Alhamdulillah, dia dah mencecah usia 6 bulan 4 hari..
dah pandai meniarap..
siap pusing-pusing 360 deg lagi..
baru tumbuh sebtg gigi..
sentiasa tersenyum bile diagah.. chumell sungguh..
mummy luvs you, darling..
daddy pun..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I WANT to give Iman with best foods..


Tomorrow my daughter will turns 6 months old.. How time flies.. I'm so happy to the max.. I still can feel her kicking my tummy.. makes me feel complete on that time.. But why I still feel that I'm peggy rite now. WHY??? oh.. maybe just because i did not lost weight significantly after delivered.. huh.. 

Alhamdulillah, until now Iman was blessed with my breastmilk.. she will direct breast feeding if I'm around.. unfortunately she's not when with her Mak Lina, Iman's babysitter.. She will refused when her Mak Lina gave her with my frozen-thawed-warm breast milk.. huh.. kids nowadays.. too choosy.. 

I was really inspired with Puan Farah Farhan from Sarakids (her blog is a MUST read blog) and mommies out there who are exclusively breastfeed their babies.. Before delivered my baby, I wish I can.. I WANT exclusively breastfeed my baby until the age of 2 years old..

Before giving my baby with solids food, I did many surveys on what is the best for her age.. I WANT to give her best solid foods like many mommies do.. Luckily, I've found this page: Starting Solids Guide for Infants. They give us general guidelines in order to help us to start our baby out on the right track to a healthy life as such why we shouldn't gives our baby with solid food at the early stage.. Of course new parents like my hubby and I wouldn't know what it is all about.

Iman started introduce with solid foods at the age of 5 months.. I tried to give her bubur nasi at first but I assumed she's not like it as she did only eat for a few spoon. Then I tried to give her Nestum Cerelec, beras n soya.. and it last until today.. I try to change her nestum regularly with beras n susu, beras n soya and whatnot.. and I found that she's happily enjoyed her meal time.. siap tambah2 hokey.. huhu..

Quoted from the page..

Six to Seven Months

While continuing to give 4-5 feedings of breast milk or formula (24-32 ounces) and 4 or more tablespoons of cereal each day, you can now start to give well-cooked, strained, or mashed vegetables or commercially prepared baby foods. Start with one tablespoon of a mild tasting vegetable, such as green beans, peas, squash or carrots and gradually increase to 4-5 tablespoons one or two times each day.
Start fruits about a month after starting vegetables and again, gradually increase to 4-5 tablespoons one or two times each day. You can use peeled, cooked, or canned fruits (but only those packed in light syrup or water) that have been blenderized or strained
You can also begin to offer 2-4 ounces of 100% fruit juices. Start by mixing one part juice with two parts of water and offer it in a cup.

Like lactation counselor always said, breast milk only supplies all of our baby' nutritional needs at the first 4-6 months..  Obviously, now is the right time for me to give my baby food with good nutrition for her growth.. Yess, I WANT to give her the best..

Also found homemade baby food recipes when I read this blog.. ---> thepinkstilettos (another blog that I MUST read everyday.. huhu..) Thanks to her.. Need to compile food recipes for my baby from now on.. huhu..

Not to forget,
Artikel ini ditulis sebab saya mengidam iPad percuma MySuperKids. Sertai Bengkel Adsense di laman web buat duit online & mulakan gaya hidup sihat dengan vitamin semulajadi ShakleeTrialPack

Saya mahu ipad dari blog MummyLyna..

As-Salaam semua..

Tetibe je kan nak ipad dr blog org.. ape ke halnye.. hehe.. sbnrnye ai nak masuk satu contest ni.. dr blog MummyLyna.. die nak bagi ipad free hokey! ko hade?? ai xde, sbb tu la nak try..  no harm to try coz xkuar sesen pun.. huhu..

ai tau psl blog mysuperkids ni pun ble ai bace blog Puan Farah dari sarakids semalam.. tertanye2 sape la yg bermurah hati nak bg ipad kan.. so, ai pun trus la p blog mysuperkids.. tanpa membuang mase, ai trus je daftar.. huhu.. kalo anda nak menang ipad gak, meh la join contest nih.. kalo ade rezeki leh menang kan.. *berdoa*.. huhu..

xsemua org ade iphone kan.. xsemua org ade ipad gak.. termasuk la ai.. hehe.. kedua2 gadjet canggih nih mmg menjadi kegilaan ai n hubby selama nih.. ai siap mintak2 iphone kat hubby lagi.. boleh tak?? setiap hari lak tuh.. haha.. mesti hubby ai pening kepala.. sori daddy..

nape ai nak sgt ipad nih ye?? sbnrnye hubby ai sgt2 ske ngan ipad nih.. so ai join contest nih sbb nak hadiahkan ipad tuh kat hubby ai.. specially for you dear..  kalo ade ipad nih boleh la membantu die wat keje setiap hari.. keje die memerlukan die wat presentation.. xyah susah2 nak bukak pc.. so sgt2 la sesuai utk hubby ai..

kalo da dpt ipad nih kan, leh la ai tumpang sekaki dua.. pinjam jap daddy ye.. huh, berangan plak.. ai suke sgt bace blog org.. kalo nak tau psl fesyen n trend terkini ai bace blog shazwani hamid.. kalo nak tau psl masakan n kek, ai bukak blog unty nani rostam, ala mak hanis zalikha tuh.. kenal kan.. kalo nak tau pasal motherhood and babyhood, ai bace blog Puan Farah Sarakids.. bnyk lagi blog2 yg ai bace setiap hari.. xdpt nak listkan kat sini..

akhir skali, harapan ai, semoga dapat la ipad nih kat kitorg.. *berdoa lagi*.. amin... 

Yang mengikut arahan,
Artikel ini ditulis sebab saya mengidam iPad percuma MySuperKids. Sertai Bengkel Adsense di laman web buat duit online & mulakan gaya hidup sihat dengan vitamin semulajadi ShakleeTrialPack